
Pascual Rosales exhibits his project at the Festival Circulations in Paris

Pascual Rosales, a LABASAD student, will exhibit one of his projects at the Circulations Festival, a Paris-based photography festival created to give visibility to the projects of young photographers.

Pascual was chosen by the organization for his work ‘La sal se come a la piedra’ a photographic project that focuses and reflects on the people from the bay of Cadiz, his hometown. The author portrays the people from the area, whose main activity is dedicated to work related to salt and the sea. This work is one of the three parts in which the complete project is divided, in which we can find ‘La mar salada’ and ‘Yo no le temo a los rayos’.

Pascual Rosales’ project

‘La sal se come a la piedra’ was a project he started some years ago, before his time at LABASAD. “I realized that I am better at telling stories that I already know,” and for this reason, he chose to portray the people from his hometown. The author depicts salt as the guiding thread of a journey that begins with a small grain of salt and ends in the immense sea that surrounds it. Over the years, the purchasing power of the population in the area began to grow, mainly due to the construction of ships produced by the shipyards. All this helped the population to progress economically, however this change did not affect those who continued working in activities derived directly from the sea, and they remained isolated from a society that was growing in an unequal way. Despite being a place familiar to him, not everything was as easy as it might seem, because many of the protagonists did not want to be in the photographs. “As it was a project that took several years, little by little, I got to know the people personally and they agreed to work with me,” says Pascual.

“LABASAD was a before and an after. It changed the way I organize projects and now, from the first minute, I begin to form the story I want to work with.”

“For me, LABASAD was a before and an after”. This was Pascual’s summary after his time at our school. With the Máster Online en Nueva Fotografía Documental his experience was “super positive” and helped him to focus his ideas and be more productive when it came to looking for stories to capture. Undoubtedly, that was a big change for Pascual’s work, since, as he states, “before I was more free, while now I focus more on what I want to tell and especially on the previous work, I try to document myself well and take references of what I want to photograph. From the very first minute I start to form the story I want to work with”. All this has allowed the author to focus on photography and capture the story he wants to convey in the best way possible. And the proof of his good work is the recognition he has received from important institutions such as the Cervantes Institute and the University of Cadiz, among many others.

Festival Circulations poster

“I remain connected to LABASAD. I still have direct contact with many teachers and they even continue to help me in projects outside the school.”

Pascual’s example shows that LABASAD’s involvement with its students is not limited to the classroom. “What I liked was the closeness you have with the teachers, and with all of them I have had an excellent relationship. With many of them I still have direct contact and they have even helped me in my new projects. People like Toni, Begoña, Yago, Jon, Manuel, among many others”. The support of LABASAD instructors helped Pascual to perfect his project and to transmit everything he had in mind. At the moment, he is working to give more visibility to his other projects, such as ‘Yo quiero ser de mayor…’ in which he portrays his brother as an example of a young person who is more focused on his online life than his real life.

Pascual Rosales’ project

Pascual Rosales is one of the two artists representing Spain at the Festival Circulations. For two months, this festival showcases the work of young and talented photographers from all over Europe. These still unknown artists are highlighted in this multicultural event. Photography and contemporary art are mixed to contemplate the questions, passions and uncertainties of young European artists.

If you would like to learn more about LABASAD, please contact us at [email protected]